Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wet-to-Dry Straightener for Christmas??

okay so here's the deal:

i love my hair soft, silky, shine, and when i want it straight, i want it straight lol!

about a year ago i got a Conair 2" Ceramic Straightener. it will get my hair straight but it takes FOREVER...and i usually wash my hair at night, but i don't blow dry (makes my hair dry, and incredibly frizzy) so in the morning i don't have like 45 min to fix it.....but after i straighten it, it usually starts to get wavy, plus after i straighten it, it makes my hair feel dry and yuck and i hate that! about 2 weeks afo a got just a light trim, and since then oly used my iorn a few times, and i used a heat protecting gel, so my hair is pretty healthy, but this year for christmas i really want a Wet-to-Dry Straighterner, this way after i wash it i can just straighten it and get it out of the way.

I want to know first of all, are they safe?? i've heard they are, but some ppl say they fry your hair worse than a regular iorn

also which one should i ask for??? i definetly want a

Wet-to-Dry Straightener for Christmas??

haha i use a wet to dry straightner and my hair feels and looks amazing! lol i honestly suggest you buy it but first ask if it is refunable in case you dont like it.

good luck hun! = ]

Wet-to-Dry Straightener for Christmas??

They are EXACTLY the same at conair, except it fries your hair MORE than average straighteners do because it uses a higher temperature setting to straighten wet hair.

If you want a really good straightener for christmas, get one off of this list. These straighteners make your hair A LOT more silkier, A LOT shinier, and they keep your hair straight for weeks and weeks (just as long as it doesn't get wet). Not only that, but with proffesional straighteners like these, it'll take a lot less time to get it straight. They're much more lightweight too.

So, here's a list of the top ten. I would recommend one off this list (sedu is best).

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