Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is there anything I can do to make my hair naturually, sort of, straight?

I have like super curly hair, and if i wash it, it is a total mess. And it does not go into a nice, naturally style, just a curly, mess, mush. Straighteners make my hair, too straight. I jus want it to look good, and i can just wake up on a morning and just gomb it or something, not spend half an hour infront of mirror, and 5 hours on it after I wash it. It's stupid. By the way, I'm a boy :P

Is there anything I can do to make my hair naturually, sort of, straight?

no you have to buy a straightener

or you can buy jell and you can use a straightener then use hair jell to make it a little less straight %26lt;33

Is there anything I can do to make my hair naturually, sort of, straight?

Lmao funny your a guy but anyways go to a hair stylist and tell em you want straight hair theres this thing where you can get a perm but not to make it curly but straight and its permanent for like a few months even if you wet it or wash it

Is there anything I can do to make my hair naturually, sort of, straight?

are you black white or mixed, because that is important to know?

You could use a hot iron if you are black or maybe mixed .Many people with curly wrap their straighten hair at knight with a hair syrum to lightly applied to the scalp.

White people and people with silky hair use steam, blow dryer or the flat irons

I go to a studio and get their advice!

Is there anything I can do to make my hair naturually, sort of, straight?

well i don't know any guys who have spend so much time on their hair.

but anyway you could always go and get your hair relaxed at a salon. that gives it a natural straiter look. but if your not into that then get sunsilk straigten up, herbal essences and they are multiple others. or just have your hair shorter my friend Mark has that and it looks good on him but his hair is thick and extremely curly. but i say EMBRACE IT! curly hair is so cute! :D

Is there anything I can do to make my hair naturually, sort of, straight?

Cut it or use something to make it easier to comb through like Paul Mitchell smoothing : super skinny serum or Ion straightener : Anti frizz solutions Frizz Eliminating styler.

If u use Paul Mitchell smoothing pump twice in hands then start to put in hair from BOTTOM TO TOP if u start from the top it makes it look greasy IT works really well

The ion works ok

My hair is really hard to keep from frizzing also what ever u do when u get out of the shower don`t rub the towel through ur hair just put it up in the towel so it can dry for a little bit then use the Paul Mitchell smoothing

Hope I helped

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